What Our Investors Are Saying
“I am fairly new to passive investing, just short of two years. I have learned a lot in that time, and deployed all of my IRA capital. The one investment I feel particularly solid about is with Wellings. I have appreciated their very high standards and care in picking their operators and consider it a higher standard than most (if not all) I have considered or invested with. And their high standards for communication with their investors. Also, their own personal background and length of experience and care in watching market trends and staying ahead of them. I wouldn’t hesitate to re-invest with Wellings or to recommend them to family or friends.”
“We are just very thankful”...for “the level of transparency, the level of accountability, the fact that you have a good team around you. That it’s not just you (Paul) and Ben doing this whole investment or managing these funds. But you’ve got a good team behind. That is really reassuring. We’re looking at this as our retirement funds, these are important to us, not only for sustaining us through our retirement years, but also, for leaving an inheritance for our children. And so, to be able to see very clearly, where our money goes, how it’s being utilized, and that it’s a high level of transparency and accountability and lots of checkpoints along the way, is really reassuring and encouraging. So we are very thankful that you’ve spent so much time and energy structuring these funds in such a way that people like us (who would not normally feel comfortable investing in real estate in this capacity) have that opportunity.”
“Prior to working as an attorney, I was a financial consultant for about five years...we were in the midst of one of the longest bull markets in history, and I was looking for ways to diversify my investments into something that may provide more downside protection if we were to go into a recession. And so I was searching and came across BiggerPockets, which I’d heard of before, but I hadn’t joined.
I joined BiggerPockets, began reading lots of articles, listening to podcasts and within the course of that, I came across some articles that Paul had written as well as some videos. And the more I researched Wellings Capital and Paul and his background, I became interested in learning more. And so I reached out directly to talk with Paul. He was very personable, obviously has a lot of integrity, has great experience. And so from there, I did additional due diligence. I read through the securities filings as an attorney, I wanted to make sure everything was on the up and up and buttoned up for that matter, and everything passed muster for me. I initially invested with Paul and Benjamin last December in the Income Fund I right before it closed, and I plan to invest in the Growth Fund when it reopens. I have been very pleased so far with the communication, with the responsiveness that Paul and Benjamin provide whenever I email with questions, they always respond promptly and transparently and that is something I greatly appreciate. I received my first distribution just this last month from the Income Fund I right in the midst of this Coronavirus pandemic, so I was happy and actually surprised to receive that.
I researched a lot of different investment opportunities, through BiggerPockets and otherwise that are not correlated so strongly to the stock market over the last 9 or 10 months. And Paul and Benjamin are, in my opinion, the best of the best. And I’m super happy to be working with them and looking forward to working with them for many years to come.”
“I discovered alternative investments about two years ago, and Wellings Capital about six months later. I now have investments in three of their funds in personal funds, and two in IRA’s. Comparing Wellings with the other alternate investments I have, Wellings is night and day above the others. When i have a question, I usually have an answer the same day, and if not, it’s only because it needs Paul or Ben to deep dive into the subject, and with them traveling and checking out new investments, it may take a few days, but never more than a week. Can’t say the same for others.
You will hear from Paul quarterly, if not monthly sometimes, regarding what’s going on. I love the fact that Paul and Ben are invested along side myself, and have skin in the game. It’s in their best interest all around, to see the funds do well.
Wellings will turn down way more opportunities than they will invest in. I also love the fact that they want to get to know you before you invest a dime. Past experience is “sign here, cash please”. If you’re a details person, they’ll share all their due diligence with you. I wrote a previous Wellings review, and felt it sounded like a paid advertisement. I wanted to do a rewrite, and let you know i think you will not be sorry if you work with Paul, Ben, Rebekah & Emmerson at Wellings.”
“I couldn’t think of a way to write a concise enough review that will convey my trust and confidence in Paul and the entire Wellings Capital team, but I will try. My father always told me ‘no one will care about your money more than you.’ That is something I have taken to heart, I can honestly say as a busy working professional who wants exposure to best in class physical assets, Wellings Capital is the only name to trust. In today’s world of fancy OMs, un-audited financials, trust and verification are the two main things I look for and this firm has them both.”
All testimonials are from current or past Wellings Capital investors and no investors were compensated in any way for these testimonials. These testimonials are representative of these clients’ views at the time collected, may not be representative of the experience of other clients and do not provide a guarantee of future performance success or a similar experience or services. Wellings Capital is not aware of any conflicts of interest apart from the fact that each of these investors is currently invested in Wellings Capital investment programs.
“I spoke to Paul before I invested and my discussions with him really reinforced that viewpoint that he was going to be a steady custodian of these investments, and be able to spot value and be able to provide the returns that I was looking for regardless of what was happening in the overall stock market. So far, my experience has been exactly that! I have really appreciated the quarterly outlook they provided as far as the fund performance. They’re very detailed. Paul is very approachable, he’s always happy to be on the phone and answer any questions or response to email and then second, their disbursements have been regular, they’ve been timely, and they’ve been within the range that were targeted. So, I’ve been very happy with it and really during these unprecedented times allows me to sleep well at night knowing that I don’t feel like my money is really at risk. I feel it is well-managed and it’s not at the whims of whatever current valuations are in the stock market, but rather is based on real asset valuation that is well-managed and that is being expanded continuously through their acquisition structure. So, I would highly recommend Paul Moore and Wellings Capital, and I think it’s a safe place to put your money.”
“As I got to know Paul and Ben, they are high-trust individuals that are competent and know what they’re doing. I told them that at the time that I break my investments into two classifications, those that are sponsored-friendly, and those that are investor-friendly. And by the sponsor-friendly model, I mean those that you may have seen those models that come across your desk, that are just very heavy in fees, and very heavy in the equity split towards the sponsor. Conversely, the investor-friendly model is geared the other way, it’s geared toward the investor, and I think the 80/20 model that Wellings fund has implemented is very investor-friendly. It’s very much geared towards the investor with a nine percent preferred distribution…
I love the fact that they’re diversified across multiple states and multiple operators. They seek best-in-class operators that I don’t have to worry about because they’ve already identified them and are just partnering with them, and they have many of them versus one or two single ones. So, for these reasons, I’m pretty sold on the Wellings fund at this point in time, happy to talk to you further.”
“I’m an investor with them three times in three different funds and I originally heard about them through a syndication company. And then when I reached out to them, they immediately reached out to me and then the relationship just gradually grew...I realized the targets that I was looking for, they actually provided (some of the important things were a good return and a recession-proof business). But ultimately, it came from the management team and specifically Paul was the communicator with me initially and as things grew, I just realized that they provided a certain service that was focused on investors. And their communication lines were always open to me! I went to their webinars, we exchanged emails, and as the relationship grew, I’d become more connected with them, to the point that I feel like we’re friends and this can be a lifelong relationship. And I welcome anyone to come into the Wellings Capital group, because you really feel like family.
Wellings Capital treats you like family. They have great energy. They want, they truly want what’s best for you and their model is a great model with today’s financial situation. I think they just fit perfectly there. And they just do a great job and I recommend them to anyone.”
“He’s written three books. He is accessible. He’s the real thing. He and Ben are transparent. And they’re very, very particular about who they invest in. And I like the fact that it is a fund. It is a mix of my two favorite asset classes, mobile home parks and self-storage units, but they’re very, very choosy. They only deal with people that were in business before the Great Recession 2007 through 2009. This means that the people and the assets and the fund Wellings Capital have been around since before the Great Recession. They got through it! They weathered it. Survived and thrived...for what we know now, I really see that there is a rough road ahead with what is going on. I think that...it’s unprecedented but you know that word is used a lot, but going forward, you have to have the right team.”
“My husband and I have been investing with Paul Moore at Wellings Capital for over two years. Paul and his team make investing in self-storage facilities and multi-family properties incredibly simple.
Paul also provides just the right amount of communication to keep us informed and quarterly distributions are sent to our self-directed IRA custodians like clockwork.
My husband and I own multiple rental properties and find investing with Wellings Capital a great way to diversify our portfolio as well as saving us time. It is an excellent alternative to owning more investment properties.”