What Is JV Hybrid Equity?
As of this month (January 2025), Ben and I (Paul) have worked together for a decade. Over the years, we have developed four core company values. One value is “Shift the sails, but stay the course.”
This core value means we constantly examine the economic cycle…
The Current State of Commercial Real Estate and What Wellings Capital is Doing About It
As I write this in mid-January 2023, the economy is shaky, and some real estate investments are headed for trouble. There’s already public reporting about a few large portfolios facing problems, and we’re sure there are many smaller properties and portfolios across the country with similar situations.
Investing in Public REITs vs. Private Real Estate
I am in my third decade as a professional real estate investor. Even before I started down this path, I noticed that most of the wealthiest and most successful investors gravitated away from residential and toward commercial real estate.
RV Park Investing in 2022 and Beyond
What’s all the fuss about RV park and campground investing? I’m in my third decade as a professional real estate investor. And I’ve rarely been more excited about a commercial real estate asset class. Our firm, Wellings Capital, has been intrigued with RV parks for years, but we didn’t locate a suitable operating partner until earlier this year.
The Impact of Rising Interest Rates on Commercial Real Estate
It's the elephant in the room in many conversations now. The question about interest rate increases comes from new investor prospects, seasoned Wellings Capital investors, and colleagues at masterminds and cocktail parties.
How Does Investing in Real Estate Hedge Against Inflation? Part III
In two previous blog articles, I made a lot of noise about inflation. In the first post, I talked about how to grow wealth through real estate investing in this historically unique time of low interest rates and increasing inflation. In the second post, I discussed some specific ways to implement this wealth-building strategy. But that’s not all.
Is Self-Storage Overbuilt in 2024?
“Isn’t self-storage overbuilt?”
I get this question from investors and prospective investors all the time. And I often say “Yes” in reply. So, their next question should be obvious:
“Ummm…so why do you invest tens of millions in it?”
Here’s What I Learned From Our Worst Self-Storage Deal
Wellings Capital just wrapped up our worst self-storage deal. We thought you might want to hear about the process and lessons learned along the way these past 3.5 years.
Spoiler alert…
Though it’s tempting to surprise readers at the end, I don’t want you to get to the conclusion of this article and feel tricked when you realize the deal finished successfully.
Why I Wrote a Self-Storage Book and What You Can Gain from It
This is a big deal for me. It’s my third book on real estate investing. (Many of us got acquainted through my second book.) But it’s my first book released by a significant publisher. Or any publisher. (I self-published the first two.)
I’ve honestly been a bit disappointed in the timing of this book. I wrote the majority of it quite a while ago. But publishing delays from COVID and more pushed it back.
Investing in Real Estate with Your IRA or 401(k)
Can you invest in real estate with your IRA or 401(k)?
YES! Well…maybe.
This question turns on the word “you.” Because I can confidently tell you the answer completely depends on “you.”
Here’s what I mean. The tax code definitely allows you to make these investments. But many investors, through ignorance of the tax code, don’t take advantage of this opportunity.
Here Are 9 Disadvantages to Investing in Real Estate Syndications
“Come on. It sounds too good to be true!
You can’t tell me it’s this good. There must be some downsides.”
There are.
And don’t let anyone tell you there aren’t! Like every other investment, real estate syndications have potential pitfalls that you need to look out for before investing.
What to Look for When Reviewing a Private Real Estate Investment PPM
Have you ever read the Constitution? I remembered the We The People part. Being an American citizen without reading a detailed publication of our fundamental rights and privileges seems quite foolish.
Similarly, investing in a private real estate deal without reading the Private Placement Memorandum – the PPM – seems quite foolish as well.
Understanding Private Real Estate Investment Fees
Are you ready to graduate?
I’m not talking about school. I’m talking about moving up from residential to commercial real estate investing.
Now some of you didn’t invest in residential real estate in the first place. But many of us have. And most others inherently understand it. We’ve watched the HGTV shows. We know that lady from work or that college friend who flipped that house.
What Is a Commercial Real Estate Waterfall?
People fly across borders to stare at them. Tourists pay big money to fly over them in helicopters. And a few daring souls have even built tightropes to walk across them.
Honestly, I was a bit perplexed the first time I read about one in an investment context. Then I realized almost every commercial real estate and private equity deal out there has what's known as a waterfall structure.
What is a Preferred Return?
One of my new investors, Bill, left me a voicemail yesterday.
“Hey, uhh, Paul, I’ve got a question on my distribution. Can you call me?”
I knew what exactly what Bill wanted to discuss. If I didn’t care about Bill personally, I could have copied and pasted another email to reply to him before he asked his question. Of course, I didn’t do that. I called Bill back after lunch, and it was precisely as I had predicted.
Understanding Cap Rates in Commercial Real Estate
An experienced residential real estate investor called me the other day. He was a bit new to commercial real estate and he had a question:
“I thought I heard you say that a lower cap rate means a higher price. Did I hear you right? What do you mean?”
How Commercial Real Estate Investors Minimize Taxes Through a Cost Segregation Study
Depreciation Schedules. IRS codes. Accounting. Paperwork. The very thought of these concepts is enough to put me to sleep at my desk. Well, they used to be.